Although the shunt current is smaller than the battery's maximum discharge current of12A, it is more than enough current to balance the differential self-discharge of series-connected cells. 尽管分路电流比电池的最大放电电流12A小,但是他还是足以应付平衡不同串联电池的自我放电的细小差别。
Furthermore, with the increase of air gap spacing, the transition from the homogeneous to filamentary discharge is related to the fluctuation of discharge current. 随着空气间隙距离的增加,均匀放电向丝状放电的转化与电流脉冲波动相关。
There are three important parameters in the DC glow discharge process, the discharge current, discharge voltage and argon pressure in discharge source. 直流辉光放电过程中需要控制的三个重要工作参数为放电电流、放电电压和放电室内氩气气压。
High discharge current performance of lithium ion bettery is introduced. 研究了锂离子电池大电流放电性能。
Several stability conditions of discharge current of the low-pressure air arc light that are affected by the external circuit are deduced theoretically. 从理论上推导出低压气体弧光放电稳定的外电路几种条件。
It can extend the life of battery and decrease ups system failure rate to the problem of under-voltage, low capacity and discharge current not meeting load startup request. 主要针对UPS蓄电池段电压不够、容量不足或瞬间放电电流不满足带载启动要求等问题。可以延长蓄电池的使用寿命,降低UPS系统故障率。
In this region, its thickness and potential fall are mainly determined by discharge current and gas pressure. 在这一区域内,阳极位降、阳极位降区厚度主要由放电电流和气体压强所决定。
Increasing O2 volume fraction can improve the development of streamer and heighten the discharge current, which is helpful to increase NO removal rate and NO conversion rate into NO2. 提高O2体积分数能够促进流光电晕的发展,增大放电电流,从而提高NO的脱除率以及NO向NO2的转化率。
The effect of charge and discharge current on the electrode characteristics was discussed. 主要研究了锌银电池化成后几种不同处理方法对银电极性能的影响。
And the controller adopt auto-equal-flow technique to balance the discharge current in every spur tracks. 各支路间采取按电流自动均流技术动态平衡支路放电功率,提高可靠性。
The function of optogalvanic density and the discharge current and pumped energy was given. 同时给出了光电流信号强度与灯的放电电流和泵浦能量的关系。
The voltage and current property of pulse corona discharge system are analyzed theoretically in order to provide the gist for the practical use of pulse corona discharge system. The theoretical formulas of pulse discharge voltage, discharge current and pulse rise time are deduced. 对脉冲电晕放电系统的伏安特性进行了理论分析,以便为脉冲放电系统的实际应用提供依据.推导出了脉冲放电电压、放电电流和脉冲上升时间的理论公式;
The study of real-time monitoring method about valve control storage battery's voltage and charge or discharge current; 阀控式铅酸蓄电池(组)电压与充放电电流实时监测方法的研究;
The secondary electron emission from the dielectric layer makes the discharge current increase. 绝缘介质层的二次电子发射,使放电电流增大。
The relationship among charge voltage, circuit parameter and value of discharge current was analyzed. 从理论上分析了充电电压、回路参数与放电电流幅值、放电周期之间的关系。
The voltage is a function of gas pressure when the discharge current is kept constant. 在保持气体放电电流不变的情况下,气体放电电压是气体压力的函数。
During the automatic control, the discharge current was automatically recorded. 在电流自动控制的同时,可对放电电流进行自动记录。
The discharge current of the TEA pulsed CO2 laser is measured with the coil for measuring pulsed current. 用电流测量线圈测量了TEA脉冲CO2激光器的放电电流。
The variation of the cell temperature with discharge current are discussed. 研究了电池工作电流与温度变化的关系。
The discharge current of damping capacitance could damage thyristors. 分析了阻尼电容放电电流对晶闸管的危害性;
Meanwhile, the changes of energy distribution caused by difference discharge current which leading models competition were given. 同时给出了由于放电电流的变化,引起模式的竞争而导致激光能量分布的变化。
Therefore, this paper analyzed the sources of noise and implemented strict screening measures, measured to the applied voltage and discharge current. 因此,本文中分析了干扰噪声的来源并实施了严格的屏蔽措施,测量到了施加电压和放电电流。
The results of the simulation and experiment indicate that the input power factor is close to 1, the output voltage of the rectifier is stable and the high quality charge and discharge current of the accumulator is achieved, current ripple is small. 本文最后给出了系统的仿真和PWM整流器实验波形,仿真和实验的结果表明:系统实现了输入功率因数接近1,变流器输出电压稳定;获得了较高质量的蓄电池充放电电流,电流纹波小。
In this work, dark discharge current of gas ionization sensor and the character of the pulse current after breakdown were studied other than the decrease of breakdown voltage and breakdown current value, which were main methods for previous research. 本论文避开传统的依靠击穿电压下降和击穿电流值来检测气体的方法,重点研究了场致电离传感器的暗电流和气体击穿后脉冲电流特性。
Based on the battery charging and discharging efficiency and battery minimum damage degree, optimum temperature and battery charge and discharge current range are put forward to improve the battery circle life. 基于电池的充放电效率和电池的最小损伤程度,提出电池最佳的工作温度和充放电电流的范围,提高电池的使用寿命。
At the same discharge voltage, discharge current increases with the gas pressure. 在相同的溅射电压下,放电电流随气压的增大而增大。
The effect of treatment temperature and time of the graphite felt electrodes, charge and discharge current density, and the number of cycles on the battery performance were investigated. 评价了石墨毡电极处理温度和时间、充放电电流密度、循环次数对电池性能的影响,初步探讨了影响电池性能的原因。
Real-time acquisition system voltage and battery discharge current protection has been put off. 实时采集系统电压和放电电流保护蓄电池组被过放。
Then establish dynamic simulation model of dielectric barrier discharge to discuss the effect of parameters to discharge current and discharge power under the flat electrodes and the wire-cylindrical electrodes configuration. 随后,建立了介质阻挡放电动态仿真模型,讨论了参数变化对平板电极和同轴线筒电极结构的放电电流和功率的影响。